Net Metering

Columbia Power Cooperative is currently not accepting new net-metering applications at this time. If CPC does start accepting applications, requirements and application form can be found below.

Net Metering allows a member of CPC to connect certain kinds of generation to the CPC power system. Power generated by the member in excess of the member’s need will be purchased by CPC.

The amount of net metering connected to the CPC system is limited to 0.5% of the CPC single-hour peak kilowatt system load.

Net Metering is available on a first come first served basis to an individual member subject to the following conditions:

  • Uses solar, wind, fuel cell or hydroelectric power to generate electrical power
  • Nameplate generating capacity of not more than twenty-five (25) kilowatts for residential accounts.
  • Located on the Members’ premises
  • Interconnects and operates in parallel with CPC’s existing transmission and distribution system
  • Intended primarily to offset part or all of the members’ own electrical requirements

Interconnection Requirements

The interconnection requirements are defined in the 2018 edition of the IEEE Standard 1547-2018, Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems and in the 2018 edition of the IEEE Standard 1547.1-2020, IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems. Also, those requirements defined in OAR 860-039-0020 through 860-039-0035 which is applicable to the limits set forth by CPC. Level 1 – up to 25 KW


Members will be charged a monthly fee of $10.00 to cover expenses associated with administering the net-metering program. The member will be charged for any expenses associated with modifying CPC’s system  in order to interconnect the net-metering facility.

Value of Excess Energy Generated

Any excess electrical energy generated by the member and supplied to CPC’s system shall be valued based upon the cost of wholesale electric power purchased by CPC. The valuation shall include energy charges, capacity charges, and any other applicable charges. Initially, the basis for the valuation shall be the Bonneville Power Administration’s wholesale power rate for CPC but may be superseded by other rates. The value of any excess energy generated shall be credited to the member’s account. All member net-metering accounts shall be cleared (i.e., returned to a $0.0 balance) at least once per calendar year.

CPC may determine that it is appropriate to estimate the time of day excess energy that would be generated by a net-metering facility, based on projected energy generation and load profiling for the respective member. In this case, the value of the excess energy will be calculated using an estimated quantity of excess energy.

Disbursement of Unused Credit

For each 12-month period ending December 31st, any remaining credit in the members’ accounts shall be refunded directly to the respective member.

Special Conditions

1. The bi-directional metering equipment will measure the flow of electrical energy to and from the net metering facility.  The flow of energy to the net metering facility from CPC will be billed to the member at the applicable retail rate of CPC.  If CPC chooses to install time-of-use metering, charges to the member will include any costs incurred by CPC related to CPC’s wholesale Power and Transmission Rate using all applicable billing determinants, i.e., generation demand, transmission demand, energy Heavy Load Hours (HLH), energy Light Load Hours (LLH), load shaping, load regulation, delivery, low density discount and any seasonal adjustment.
2. The flow of energy from the net metering facility to CPC will be credited to the member at the avoided cost of CPC, which is the annual average wholesale rate paid by CPC to its power supplier.
3. The member is responsible for all costs associated with its facility and is also responsible for costs related to any modifications to the facility that may be required by CPC for purposes of safety, reliability, and reading meters, but not the cost of the actual meter.  The member is not allowed to supply the billing meter.
4. A net-metering facility installation shall comply with the applicable standards established by the National Electric Code, National Electric Safety Code, and shall meet all applicable safety and performance standards established in the Oregon State Building Code.
5. CPC approved switching equipment capable of isolating the net metering facility from CPC’s system shall be provided by the member-generator and shall be accessible to CPC at all times.  CPC shall have the right to inspect the net-metering facility annually and disconnect the net metering facility from CPC’s system if there is a valid concern about facility reliability or facility performance.  Once the system is operational, the member-generator must follow CPC’s and OR-OSHA’s Lockout, Tag-out procedures.
6. CPC shall also have the right to adopt future IEEE standards or other future standards that CPC deems necessary to insure system reliability and performance and to maintain safety.
7. CPC shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a net metering facility, or for the acts or omissions of the member that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party.
8. Members are required to sign a net-metering agreement before receiving net-metering service.

Continuing Service

This Schedule is based on continuing service at each service location. Disconnect and reconnect transactions shall not operate to relieve a member from monthly minimum charges.

Net Metering & Interconnection Application Form

Section 1: Customer Information


Section 2: Net Metering Facility Information

System Type (check box)(Required)

Section 3: Installation Information


Section 4: Certifications

(If an inverter is used) The net metering facility’s inverter meets the requirements of IEEE 929-2000, “Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems” and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Subject 1741, “Standard for Static Inverters and Charge Controllers for Use in Photovoltaic Power Systems”; and the National Electric Code (NEC), Article 705.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
The system has been installed to my satisfaction and I have been given system warranty information and an operations manual. I have been instructed regarding the proper operation of the net metering facility and associated equipment. Also, the installation has received approval and certification from the Oregon Building Codes Division.